Tuesday, March 20, 2012


Making the office like a children's game place is creative idea was developed by famous game company, named LEGO PMD. Designers understand well, to build creativity and imagination, required supports workspace. Through physical, children fantasy world presented as part in everyday life office, to stimulating the potential innovative new designs for Kids. On the first floor balcony expansion used to make five big rooms and three meeting rooms Office. Each meeting room interior, differentiated in terms by design and color. Wall is a major builder for atmosphere, where the choice of colors, patterns, and raw materials determine main theme a room, so that the office meeting room design can create the different impression in every part. Meeting room interior design, represents vision and mission of a company engaged in development children's toys with dynamic and flexible wing. Attractive bright colors became a symbol natural happiness will find. Meeting room design using glass doors as the only access to enter the room. Transparency of glass material properties, describe innocence a child soul.

Pleasure zones built as a place for relaxation and social interaction. The room is equipped sofa blue and yellow bar which serves to create tables and testing latest models product, made by employees.

Fresh Meeting Room Office Interior Design
Fresh Meeting Room Office Interior Design

Fresh Meeting Room Office Interior Design
Fresh Meeting Room Office Interior Design

Fresh Meeting Room Office Interior Design
Fresh Meeting Room Office Interior Design

Fresh Meeting Room Office Interior Design
Fresh Meeting Room Office Interior Design

Fresh Meeting Room Office Interior Design
Fresh Meeting Room Office Interior Design